
UpoN ThE ShoReS Of GiaNt IsLand, LiVeS a ChiLd, No oNe KnOwS WherE ShE Came FroM, ThIs GiAnTeSs ChilD SiTs Up ThE rOcKs LookinG OuT To SeA…. ComBinG Her LonG GolDeN HaIr…Her HaIr SuCh LikE SpuN GolD, mAnY A ViSiToR To ThE IsLaNd Has TrIed To TriCk Her OuT of Or Cut hEr HaIr….But If You ArE Of MoRtAl Man, ShE SimPly Picks You Up AnD ThroWs You DoWn InTo ThE Sea.!! MermAids Swim To ThE ShOrE To heAr The SonGs Of ThE Child…..Calling To Her To Join Them…LauGhing And giggLinG They Call OuT To ThE GolDEn GianTess Child……..

About Gentle Yewwand

She casts spells of enchantment. She lives in villages and even in bold city places. She can only be seen when the seeker holds a four-leafed clover. She wears brightly coloured stripy clothes like a bee and has russet-coloured wings like a brightly coloured butterfly.