Alice In Wonderland Bracelet
One Part Of the DouBle Row Of + TraVel WiTh AlicE tO WonDerLand* #Vintage BracelEt beGun- VinTage 5o’s BeaDs – VinTaGe ClaSp- LoTs Of LoVe ? X
One Part Of the DouBle Row Of + TraVel WiTh AlicE tO WonDerLand* #Vintage BracelEt beGun- VinTage 5o’s BeaDs – VinTaGe ClaSp- LoTs Of LoVe ? X
TheSe LittLe PreTTies are Being Turned Into BraCelEts todaY… #vintage #beads – double row brAcelet And OrigniAl claSp..? xxx
#aliceinwonderland gift boxes – £1.50 – smAll- Each Is Decorated WiTh a chOicE of Alice/Mad HattEr piCtures – They Arrive To yOu FlaT bUt deCoraTed – ? X X
Mini CraTe / ShelF – AbouT tO be Up-CyCled – #Aliceinwonderland ?
SorrY I’Ve Not BeeN aRouNd – LiTtle Ones Home From FaIRy ScHooL.. AnD tHeN I WaS iLL…. So Lots Of ProJecTs tO fiNisH fOr youR deLighT …..
#travel to #paris #handmade focal #rings * Take the over night train to Paris… Step out onto the steamy platform under an inky black night, full of stars and mystery… The air is heavy with the adventures to come * #adventure #paris #starrynight #mystery It all begins here.. Rings £5 each plus £1 p&p in […]
#travel to the #seashore#paddle in the #sea collect #seashells? Sweet little sea shell #earrings#pretty#delicate#handmade £4 per pair 50p p&p in uk
* little girls are fairies without wings * #fairies #magic #handmade #fairyhill #unique A unique fairy frame for that darling girl in your life #love Share the love of fairies – keeping that magic alive £15ea. Plus £4 p&p in uk