Gentle Yewwand

About Gentle Yewwand

She casts spells of enchantment. She lives in villages and even in bold city places. She can only be seen when the seeker holds a four-leafed clover. She wears brightly coloured stripy clothes like a bee and has russet-coloured wings like a brightly coloured butterfly.

At The Horizon

The FirsT LighT breAks …a daRk lavEnDer Sky ShrUgs off ThE nIgHts CoLd embrace … abovE ThE sTaRs StreTCh AnD YaWn aNd OnE bY onE tHey BLInk OuT , SLEePinG Till ThEy aRe neeDed AgaIn..lAvEnDeR TUrnS tO PInk BluSh WhIch ThEn TuRns tO GoLd…thE bIRds aRe sInGinG thE nEw DaY haS beGun… x