StrEtchinG And YaWninG the Little PeoPle ClimB tHe WooDen sTaiRs tO bEd

StrEtchinG And YaWninG the Little PeoPle ClimB tHe WooDen sTaiRs tO bEd… snuggled Down Deep uNdEr laYers oF WaRm blaNkEts… wiTh OnLy pinK NosEs aNd TiRed EyEs pEepIng oUt…. a smAll fIRe BuRns Low iN tHe heaRth… thrOuGh tHe smAll BeDRoom
WInDow OnE bY onE tHe sTaR bLink iNto liGht.. blInkInG AnD wInKinG iN tHe inky BlacK veLvet oF tHe nIgHts sKy…
LiTtLe eYes gRoW heaVy… tInY little sNorEs cAn bE heaRd.. jUst tHeN a sTaR beGins tO mOve. AnD in An InstanT it ChAnges InTo a beaUtiful liTtle spaRklinG faIRy.. shE fLutters iN tHrouGh a craCk in the wIndow … fInDs hEr lIttle PersOn a sLeeP.. sHe geNtle kIsses hEr liTtle peRsons brOw.. anD geNtly smootH back Their HaIr… sHe fLutters tO tHe bEd aND climBs iN nexT tO hEr lIttle peRsOns necK aND tHeRe sHe Snuggles.. body curleD beloW thE eaR And Cheek ResTing on chEek …. gOod NiGht mY beLoVed sHe wHisPers…. good night… xxx

About Gentle Yewwand

She casts spells of enchantment. She lives in villages and even in bold city places. She can only be seen when the seeker holds a four-leafed clover. She wears brightly coloured stripy clothes like a bee and has russet-coloured wings like a brightly coloured butterfly.