UnderNeath A PERfeCT Blue WinTers Sky, the Fairies Fly, FlutteriNg Here and ThErE aboUt ThEir FaiRy BusinEss. FlashEs oF gliTTering Light Appears aT the coRner of your Vision… you HeAr The QuiCk FlUttER Of ThEir WiNgs As TheY BruSh By YouR CheeK..
UnderNeath A PERfeCT Blue WinTers Sky, the Fairies Fly, FlutteriNg Here and ThErE aboUt ThEir FaiRy BusinEss. FlashEs oF gliTTering Light Appears aT the coRner of your Vision… you HeAr The QuiCk FlUttER Of ThEir WiNgs As TheY BruSh By YouR CheeK..